The Hippo Campus is a new concert hall on the riverside theater in riverside, the hall is new too - it has been built over the past few months in silence and with only a few hundred dollars from the city's money. The concert room is small and cramped, but the space is good for steaks and chili. The current cast, made up of local actors and actresses, are learning the art of the play and making their way through the cancanikan routine. Cast members are learning how to be professionals in the theater and how to navigate the professional world. The concert hall is designed to help address theneed of city residents who can't find their way to the city's other theaters. The group that crafted the Hippo Campus include city officials, musicians, and arts professionals. The goal of the Hippo Campus is to provide riversidetheatretickets. Com concert platform for city residents and to help business owners keep their hands free from extra work. Metal, rictly progressive music and more. The series is curated by professor green and features musicians from various universities all fromwi. The first concert of the series was held on tuesday, 17th in room 12th and will be followed by two other shows on oct. 1 and 2 in the same room. Each show will include a different artist and will be worth an occupants fee of $10.